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Episcopal Church
Tag Sale
Did you think a Tag Sale was all about puttering amongst stacks of dusty books, small appliances & handoff goods to find a bargain? Well, then you might have found what you were looking for, when we had our 1st Tag Sale at Grace Church.
But, just for a moment. entertain the idea of a place where there's more than bartering going on, where you find fellowship and laughter amid all the dusty treasures. Now you're getting closer. Furthermore, imagine a place where people are laying warm hands on your body to heal you, or to honor a special prayer request. Conjure up the smells of warm chili & hot dogs, homemade baked goodies & fresh iced-tea. Maybe you can even hear the strumming of a guitar. There are voices joining in with the instruments, and as you stroll around our grassy lawn you're being serenaded by some of our youth. Everywhere you go, people are laughing and working together in ministry and harmony. This isn't an ordinary tag sale!

Tag Sale coordinator Kyle gets ready for the event

Kyle's wife, Carly prepares the chili in the kitchen with help from another one of our young millenials.

More food awaits at the Baked Goods table presented by Teri & Gunlog.

Every Tag Sale needs some Marvel SuperHeroes!

Don't mess with Gunlog at the Pastry Table!

Thanks heartily to All who participated!
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