Episcopal Church
Shoreline Soup Kitchens
and Pantries (SSKP)
Grace Church and the SSKP (Shoreline Soup Kitchens and Pantries) have a longstanding relationship as mission-partners.
Grace Church donates office space in the parish hall to SSKP staff members.

The Shoreline Soup Kitchens & Pantries sponsors a luncheon at Grace each Wednesday, which is open to the public, in an effort to help feed the hungry along the shoreline. SSKP works side-by-side with Grace Church's Hospitality Committee and others to serve the lunch, sometimes utilizing the ingredients from the Common Good Gardens located outside in our backyard. Once a month Grace Church actually provides and cooks the meal.
The Shoreline Soup Kitchen also utilizes our facilities on Friday mornings to prepare weekend food for many of their clients.
Meals are delicious and nutritious, composed of many fresh ingredients to help fortify people in need, the elderly and others who are on fixed-incomes in our community. Fellowship at the luncheon provides beneficial spiritual sustenance.

Shoreline Soup Kitchens and Pantries sponsors holiday feasts at Grace Church twice each year, once at Thanksgiving & once at Christmas. These meals are also open to the public. Volunteers devote their time to preparing meals, while other volunteers offer their holiday time to serve food.

Holiday menus generally include an appetizer table, beverages, a full dinner with some large roasts, potatoes, yams, carrots, salads, rolls and a variety of other side-dishes, as well as desserts.

Entertainment is part of the holiday celebration, so guests enjoy a festive atmosphere serenaded by a musical group which is occasionally accompanied by an impromptu performer!

We like to send our guests off,
humming a tune for the holidays.

A good time is had by all!