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GRACE Episcopal Church
We are a community of faith,
rooted in Jesus Christ
and led by the Holy Spirit,
following God's call
to feed the hungry
in both body and spirit.
Watch Livestream Worship on
most SUNDAYS at 10:00 AM:
Click here to watch on FaceBook
Click here to watch on YouTube
We ask for your patience as we offer
the service online. Technical issues may occur.
We are doing the best we can in light of
the circumstances.
Regular Sunday Services:
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II
(10 AM livestreamed)
Nursery available during the 10am service on Sundays (except on the 1st Sunday, NO Nursery).
* Wednesday Healing Services *
monthly at 10:00 AM
the 1st Wednesday of the month
(from Sept - May).
The Reverend Charles Hamill

GraceChurch Red-HairedGirlFamily DSCF5570R 625 x 876

GraceChurch OutdoorDinConcert DSCF7008R 1204 x 1556

Canon Meeting 2016 DSCF1549 Cropped R 620 x 882

GraceChurch Red-HairedGirlFamily DSCF5570R 625 x 876

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